My #2018MakeNine Sewing Plans

Last year I made a short list of some ambitious sewing projects I wanted to tackle in 2017, and not only did I cross most of them off the list, but they were all at least fairly successful, I would say! So I was inspired by the #2018MakeNine posts to sit down and think about nine projects I'd like to make this coming year. In no particular order: Thread Theory Patterns Goldstream Peacoat - for Tim. I already bought the fabric, and am working on a fit muslin, so this is my January 2018 project. Papercut Patterns Otsu Jeans - formerly known as the Peter and the Wolf trousers, now in front fly jeans form! I've developed some pants-making confidence this year, and have a lot of stretch denim and twill in my stash that will work for this pattern. A plaid wool moto jacket, using KwikSew 3764. I also already have a few possible fabrics for this and a muslin cut out. The theme is "I already have the fabric in my stash", since I'm leaving my job in a few week...