StyleArc Holly blouse

I'm already planning my fall/winter sewing, and it's going to a lot of jeans, blouses, and blazers (I've been watching Samantha Bee's show in part for blazer inspiration!).  I recently bought one of StyleArc's newer pattern releases, the Holly Woven Blouse, and decided to make a trial version.
 I ordered the size 10, even though I've usually worn an 8 in StyleArc tops, because I wanted to make sure it wasn't too tight across the back and shoulders (thanks yoga!).  The fabric was a herringbone rayon challis I found on, which was both inexpensive (for my first pass at this pattern) yet surprisingly nice quality.  It was very easy to cut, sew, and press.

This is rated as a "Medium" pattern and I would agree.  There isn't anything too tricky, construction wise, and mine sewed up pretty quickly.  The instructions, as you'd imagine, are typical StyleArc.  They sometimes read like they've been translated to English from another language by someone without a good grasp of either.  Several times there are instructions to stay stitch when you're really just basting two raw edges together. Or this: "once in place, stitch on, turn to the right side and sew a flat stitch close to the seam on the side of the facing" - you mean, understitch the facing?! Just say so!!  Some other weird things like sewing the bust and sleeve darts after the pattern pieces have been attached, which I didn't do, I sewed them first like I usually would.

So, here it is complete except for the cuffs and hem:

It was very long, for my tastes, and I had a little too much room in the torso (I could have gone with my usual size 8 for sure). I don't wear shirts that come down over my butt, it's not a good look.  So I took about 4" off of the bottom and about 3" total off of the side seams....
 .... and then I loved it! The V shape in the front is perfect, low enough to be saucy but not revealing (on me at least).
I could maybe shorten the sleeves - they are described as 7/8 length, so I guess they are. On the line drawing they look more like 3/4....I don't know if this is an awkward length or not? They don't feel awkward, but when I look at them in photos - maybe?

Other than adjusting the length, the only other modification I made was to skip the interfacing on the neckline facing.  On a lightweight fabric sometimes even a very light interfacing can make the whole think look wonky. I rolled the dice and skipped it, and I'm happy with the result.

I will definitely be sewing more of these for fall! Up next I'll be trying the Sew Over It pussybow blouse, which is pretty similar on paper at least to this one, but comes with a few neckline options.

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